5 page illustration series
Ink and wash, digital composition
Women and girls around the world are on the front lines of their communities' struggle for water and basic sanitation. Access to safe water is essental to all other human rights and the most basic -- the right to life. When water is defined as a need, not a right, control is ceded to corporations. From Flint to Nigeria to Bolivia to India, profits are made at the expense of people.
Water scarcity, contamination, and resource wars caused by wasteful consumption, privatization, unequal access, and climate change disproportionately affect the world's poorest -- low-income women and girls. When the right to water is stripped away, most of women's other rights and opportunities are threatened, such as education and work, health and dignity. At the same time, women are more often restricted from decision making and management of resources.
Most affected locally, women's voices need to be heard in the global movement for change.